

June 22, 2017


Malatan-og Falls, Don Salvador Benedicto, Negros Occidental, Philippines

There are times when we want to unwind- to take a break from the stress, work or school may bring. During these times, Malatan-og falls is one of the perfect places to visit when you are craving for an energizer. This hidden gem is located in the mountainous town of Don Salvador Benedicto or what locals say as "DSB". This place is home to the insta-worthy backdrops of the sea of clouds, and the cool pine trees. This is also one of the many affordable adventures that can be experienced in the Island of Negros.

So without further ado, I present to you our simple "Day Trekking" itinerary to Malatan-og Falls.

6am meet up at Ceres Bacolod City South Terminal
*Bring snacks, packed lunch, and a lot of water 
since there will be no restaurants during the hike (P190)
7am Ride an aircon bus to Don Salvador Benedicto  (P80)
*Tell conductor or driver to drop you off to the DSB waterfall viewing deck
8am arrival at Don Salvador Benedicto
830am Hike or Trek Registration at the viewing deck (P150)
*In the viewing deck ask the locals where you can inquire for trek guides
*Payment includes environmental and guide fee
930-10am Arrival at Malatan-og falls
*the trek involves steep and slippery stairs
*it is advisable to wear sandals or shoes with spikes
10am-1230pm Unwind, swim, and have a picnic at the foot of the falls
1230pm Pack up and head back to viewing deck
130pm Freshen up at viewing deck
2pm En route back to Bacolod City (P80)
*it is advisable to be early at the viewing deck since buses
only pass by every 30 minutes
3pm Arrival at Bacolod City

Total= P500 (12 USdollars)


Disclaimer: Although this itinerary is made for a group of four persons, prices stated are per person each. The itinerary doesn't involve the hotel accommodation and airfare since these two factors always change depending on the time you purchase it or bought it. The prices are also estimates and may change through time or seasons. It is much better to contact and research first before visiting the attraction you want. Also bring emergency money since there are no ATMs in the area.