

November 21, 2016


Solo travelling mistakes.

It is always fun to do solo travelling. I have been travelling alone since high school. Well it could be considered solo travelling because during my highschool days my sister would usually go on workations and she would bring me around. She would work in the day whilst I go out alone wandering in somewhere island or province.

Yes being a teenager, I was scared to go on solo walking around but my cravings for adventure wouldnt stop me. Yes I am alone but my cravings and no shy attitude overpowered my fear. During these days, I also learned a lot from being a solo traveller. I am a teenager at that time so I also made a lot of mistakes, a lot of them and I would like to share them to you in the hopes that it might help you out.

1. Money money money
I have been short with money because of spending on unneccesary things. Starbucks? yeap that is already 150 pesos and could be a big overload meal at Jollibee. I would usually spend on food and souvenirs a lot and I have realized that there are other things worthy I could spend it into. So always check you wallet and budget wisely.

2. Too generous in tipping.
I was used to be generous in tipping that sometimes its the cause why I am exploited. Be friendly to drivers, to tourist guides, and people who offer services but always check the common prices or rates visitors pay. The last thing you wouldnt want to experience is being scammed off of prices.

3. Overloading.
Bringing food and clothing I havent used. I used to bring a lot of food and clothes and it made me feel uncomfortable during the travel because of the need to bring heavy bags around. Learn to pack light. Bring clothes that are enough for the duration of the travel and avoid bringing bulky clothes like jackets and big towels if your travelling to the beach.

4. Not Researching!
Yes, this is one of the things I always take for granted. Research! Always check the places you will visit before going. You dont want to be caught off guard by weather conditions, getting lost, or even getting short of pocket money.

5. Not Being Friendly
It will not hurt you if you will smile and interact with fellow travellers and locals. Some of them might become your travel or bestfriends. And it is more fun to have memorable conversations with people having a different cultures.

So get your feet moving and start travelling! Im not forcing you to go on solo travel but you can try. Travel and make mistakes- this will help mold you to become a wise traveller someday. :)